Sending data from the website feedback form to Telegram

July 29, 2024

Creating a Telegram Bot:

  • Find BotFather in Telegram and create a new bot by following his instructions.
  • Get the bot's API key.
  • Enable the bot by opening it in Telegram and clicking "Start."

Setting up the PHP Script:

Create a PHP script to handle form data and send it to Telegram.

In the PHP script, do the following:

  • Get the form data ($_POST or $_GET).
  • Format the message to be sent to Telegram.
  • Use the file_get_contents or cURL function to send a request to the Telegram Bot API.

Configuring Telegram:

Find the chat_id for the chat where you want to send messages. You can use @userinfobot in Telegram to get this information.

You can send messages either to a channel or to yourself as a direct message. Here's how to do it in each case:

Sending Messages to Yourself:

Find your user_id:

  • Open Telegram and find the @userinfobot.
  • Send him the /start command.
  • He will reply with a message containing your user_id.

Sending Messages to a Channel:

Create a Channel:

  1. Open Telegram and create a new channel if you don't have one.
  2. Remember its name or @username.
  3. Add the Bot to the Channel:

    • Add your bot (created via BotFather) to the channel as an administrator. To do this, open the channel settings, go to "Administrators," and add the bot.

    Find the Channel's chat_id:

    • You can find the chat_id using a special service or by messaging the bot directly. The channel's chat_id usually starts with -100.

    Now you can send messages both to yourself and to the channel.

    Complete Example:

    When the user fills out the form and submits it, the data will be sent to send_form.php, which will process this data and send the message to Telegram. Here is what the final HTML and PHP code looks like:

    HTML (Form):

    <form id="feedbackForm" method="post" action="/send_form.php" accept-charset="UTF-8">
        <input type="text" placeholder="Name" class="form-control" id="name" name="name" required="">
        <input type="tel" placeholder="Phone" class="form-control" id="phone" name="phone" required="">
        <textarea class="form-control" placeholder="Message" id="message" name="message" rows="5" required=""></textarea>
        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-lb">SEND</button>

    PHP (send_form.php):

    // Replace <YOUR_BOT_TOKEN--> with your bot's API key
    $botToken = "<your_bot_token>";
    // Replace <your_user_id> with your user_id
    $chatId = "<your_user_id>";
    // Get the form data
    $name = $_POST['name'];
    $phone = $_POST['phone'];
    $message = $_POST['message'];
    // Format the message for Telegram
    $telegramMessage = "New message from the form:\n\n";
    $telegramMessage .= "<b>Name:</b> $name\n";
    $telegramMessage .= "<b>Phone:</b> $phone\n";
    $telegramMessage .= "<b>Message:</b> $message";
    // Telegram API URL
    $telegramApiUrl = "$botToken/sendMessage?chat_id=$chatId&text=" . urlencode($telegramMessage) . "&parse_mode=HTML";
    // Send the request to the Telegram API
    $response = file_get_contents($telegramApiUrl);
    // Check the response (you can add error handling)
    if ($response) {
        echo "Message successfully sent to Telegram!";
    } else {
        echo "Error sending message to Telegram.";

    Follow these steps, and you will be able to send form data to Telegram successfully. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

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