Web Page Optimization: Creating a Link to the Previous Page

July 19, 2024

Creating convenient navigation on a website is an important aspect of ensuring a positive user experience. One effective method is embedding a link to the previous page. In this article, we will explore various ways to create such a link and discuss their SEO applicability.

Using JavaScript:

One of the popular methods is inserting JavaScript code. For example, you can use the following code:

<a href="javascript:history.back()">Back</a>

This code automatically returns the user to the previous page in their browser history. However, it’s important to remember that search engine bots don’t always process JavaScript, so this approach might not be optimal for SEO.

Using Relative URLs:

A more SEO-friendly approach is using relative URLs. For example:

<a href="../previous-page.html">Back</a>

This method provides a clear path to the previous page, which can be beneficial for search engines.

Using the referrer Attribute:

Adding the "referrer" attribute in the <a> tag is also a valid option. This method allows passing information about the previous page in the HTTP header:

<a href="#" referrer="no-referrer">Back</a>

However, keep in mind that using the "referrer" attribute might affect security and privacy.

Creating a Custom Function:

You can create your own function using a programming language such as JavaScript. This allows more flexible control over page transitions and offers more opportunities for SEO optimization.

function goToPreviousPage() {

Depending on the requirements of your web project and optimization goals, the choice of a specific method may vary. It is important to maintain a balance between user convenience and meeting search engine requirements.

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